Modeling Advisors
- Modeling Advisors (Advisors) are experts on the AFS Model products.
- Advisors typically offer years of financial consulting experience to assist in the architecture and design of a projection model, specifically for your business.
- Advisors are hired at a base hourly rate of $250/hr. Discounts apply for multiple hour purchases.
- Advisor services are conveniently delivered via Zoom teleconference, or, on rare occasion, in person. All costs of in-person Advisor Services exclude any travel and lodging expenses which may be required.
- All Modeling Advisor Services are delivered "as is".
- AFS Model products are STRONGLY recommended, but are not required, to be used with a Modeling Advisor.
- Select below the number of hours of Modeling Advisor time to be purchased.
- After purchase, YOU MUST INITIATE THE SCHEDULING of the Modeling Advisor via email using the screens which follow payment.
- All Advisor Services must be scheduled within 2 weeks of purchase, subject to advisor availability.
- All Advisory Services must be delivered by AFS within one year of purchase.
- All prices are in USD.
Modeling Advisor time: 1 hour at a cost of $250 / hour
Modeling Advisor time: 2 hours at a cost of $237.50 / hour (5.0% discount)
Modeling Advisor time: 3 hours at a cost of $230.00 / hour (8.0% discount)
Modeling Advisor time: 4 hours at a cost of $225.00 / hour (10.0% discount)
Modeling Advisor time: 5 hours at a cost of $220.00 / hour (12.0% discount)
Modeling Advisor time: 8 hours at a cost of $212.50 / hour (15.0% discount)
Modeling Advisor time: 10 hours at a cost of $200.00 / hour (20.0% discount)
Modeling Advisor time: 16 hours at a cost of $187.50 / hour (25.0% discount)
Modeling Advisor time: 20 hours at a cost of $175.50 / hour (30.0% discount)